Over Mediadokter 2.0

Een samenvatting van wat er op de leukste en beste Nederlandse weblogs te vinden is. Luister naar de rubriek Mediadokter 2.0 in het radioprogramma Live uit Lloyd op Radio Rijnmond (dinsdag tussen 14.30 en 15.00 uur).

28 oktober 2010

The Days of LimeWire are Long Gone

Thanks to a crushing blow in the Federal court system recently, LimeWire will be shutting down their software – effective nearly immediately. The company says it will comply with a court injunction to turn off “the searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality, and/or all functionality” of its software. The company will not only stop offering their current type of software for download… they will also disable copies already installed on consumers’ machines.
As of the time of this blog post, the company had already taken down the relay servers on the Gnutella network. This is what the LimeWire client uses to figure out which other P2P clients have which information. Once that had been done, software already downloaded would be rendered useless in a matter of hours… other than as a media player.

This is a huge step in the right direction as far as big media companies are concerned.
[Bron: http://chris.pirillo.com,
The Days of LimeWire are Long Gone.]

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